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GTM Excellence: How We’re Using Our Funding to Build the Future of Go-to-Market

Dec 17, 2022
Photo of Leena JoshiLeena Joshi

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Growth at all costs.

That motto has dominated B2B over the last decade. The pressure to grow at such an accelerated rate is terrifying. And GTM leaders who’ve had to bear that responsibility have been conditioned to do whatever it takes to hit their ever-growing goals. For marketers, that meant taking their budget and deploying the same old spray and pray tactics that would bring in the largest number of leads so they could hit their pipeline targets. For sales, that meant casting the widest net possible by going after every account that seemed like it could be a good fit so they could back their way into their revenue number.

The problem is that as much as we want to believe those two teams are aligned, there’s still a massive disconnect between go-to-market strategy and execution. That’s because marketing teams focus on firmographic and intent data as key key signals to look for, whereas sales identifies buyers by focusing more on pain points or budget. This leads to completely different views of their target market making it nearly impossible to build a profitable, lasting business.

As we go into 2023, it’s time to move on from that old motto and throw out the playbook that went with it. It’s time we all set out to achieve GTM excellence and strive for healthy, quality growth. That’s why I’m so excited about what we’re doing at CloseFactor. With our most recent round of funding, we can truly help GTM teams come together to close the gap between strategy and execution so they can hit their goals.

First, that starts by building a world-class product. While a lot of the tech that exists in the sales and marketing space uses older technology, CloseFactor uses cutting-edge machine learning to find patterns in your accounts that identify and research the right buyers for you. That includes who’s ready to buy now, the exact people you should reach out to, and what priorities that matter to them. And we don’t just do this account by account. We do this at scale, across millions of accounts so that revenue leaders can get a complete view into key characteristics of their ICP and size up their revenue potential. This type of visibility, not available before, is game changing for GTM leaders because it helps them plan for efficient growth and align sales and marketing teams to execute together to maximize results. So we’ll continue to double down in this area.

Second, we need to continue to build a world-class team. CloseFactor, now a team of 20, continues to grow in all areas of R&D and go-to-market. So going into 2023, we’re looking to add to our already incredible roster of individuals by bringing in top top talent in areas such as engineering, design, and customer success. Please don’t hesitate to check out our open roles!

With the right product and the right team in place, we’re confident that we can help revenue teams all over the world achieve GTM excellence and position themselves for long-term success.

I hope that you’ll join us on this journey.

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