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Work the right deals, every time. Introducing Target Accounts by CloseFactor.

Jun 20, 2023
Photo of Cody BernardCody Bernard

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If you’re in sales, odds are you’re working a lot of the wrong accounts.

That’s because the way that we’ve been defining what makes a good account and building lists to give our sales teams is broken – leaving reps to work the wrong deals and setting them up to fall short of quota. Up until today, your process probably looked a little something like this. First, you head over to a tool like Crunchbase. Then you input some mix of firmographic and demographic data that resembles your ICP. Lastly, you take the list that they give you and get it into your CRM for your team to start working. Done deal, right?

Not quite.

The problem is that the way we define our ICP is typically too broad. Not to mention that the data we use to pull account lists is often old or inaccurate. So just because accounts match some of the criteria you’re looking for doesn’t mean they are the ones you should be going after. But what if you knew the exact accounts your team should be targeting so that every deal they were working was the right one? Well, that’s where we come in.

Introducing Target Accounts by CloseFactor – work the right accounts, every time.

CloseFactor ensures that sales teams focus on the right accounts by identifying what makes a good customer using your own data, pulling a list of accounts that match those attributes, and then prioritizing that list by most ready to buy.

Working the right accounts can be the difference between hitting or missing your number. And don’t just take it from us. Here’s Ali Jones, Head of Revenue Operations at Chronosphere: “Since deployment, we have seen higher quality and quantity of pipeline from our target accounts powered by CloseFactor.”

Let’s take a deeper look at how Target Accounts works

Identifying what makes a good customer

There’s so much gold in your own customer data. Imagine if you knew that accounts with specific technology in their stack close faster or accounts with a specific team size close with a higher ACV.

CloseFactor taps into that data by looking into your closed won and late stage opportunities to find out what attributes make a good customer so that every account in your list is a good fit.

Pulling a list of best-fit accounts

Now that we know what makes a good customer, it’s time to see how many are out there. But why use the same old data sources as everyone else when you can ensure that your target account list is tailor made for your business?

CloseFactor looks into our own database of over 65M accounts to pull back a list only of those accounts that match the attributes identified above so you know every potential customer your team is working is the right one.

Prioritizing your accounts by most ready to buy

Knowing which accounts to focus on is key. Otherwise, reps spend time trying to sift through data or use their intuition to figure out where to spend their time which takes them away from actually selling.

CloseFactor uses buying indicators that matter to your business – including projects and initiatives, hiring trends, presence of technology, former colleagues or customers, and much much more – to score and prioritize accounts by most ready to buy so your team knows where to focus.

Now that you have your target account list, you can start to build more profitable territories, create higher quality segments, and assign better accounts to your reps so you can drive more qualified pipeline that closes faster. Interested in seeing how Target Accounts can get your reps working the right accounts every time? Get a demo today of CloseFactor today.

Ready to fill your pipeline with the right opportunities?