CloseFactor closed down its operations in June 2024. Read more.

CloseFactor Company Update

Jun 11, 2024
Photo of Leena JoshiLeena Joshi

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Dear CloseFactor Community,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today to share some significant news about CloseFactor. After much contemplation and thorough evaluation, we have made the difficult decision to wind down our operations and discontinue our service.

First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you – our customers, investors, partners, and supporters. Your unwavering support and belief in CloseFactor have been the cornerstone of our journey. From the very beginning, your feedback, guidance, and trust have been instrumental in shaping the path we have traveled together.

When we launched CloseFactor, our vision was to revolutionize the go-to-market landscape by providing a cutting-edge solution that would empower sales teams to achieve remarkable results. We have seen many of our early customers leverage our service to drive impressive outcomes, which has been a source of immense pride for us. Your successes have validated our mission and inspired us to push boundaries.

However, despite these achievements, we have faced significant challenges in meeting our growth and retention goals. The market has evolved rapidly, with the landscape of go-to-market technologies shifting in ways that we could not have fully anticipated. Additionally, the challenge of effectively communicating our unique value proposition in an expanding field of new entrants have made it difficult for us to sustain the momentum we once had.

Over the past months, we have explored numerous alternative paths in an effort to keep CloseFactor operational. We considered various strategic options, including potential partnerships and pivots in our business model. Regrettably, none of these paths provided a viable solution that would allow us to continue delivering the level of service and innovation that our customers deserve.

While this decision was not made lightly, it ultimately reflects our commitment to integrity and transparency. We believe that it is better to make this difficult choice now rather than to continue in a way that might compromise the quality and reliability of our service. Our priority has always been to provide our customers with the best possible experience, and we feel that this is the most respectful way to honor that commitment.

As we prepare to wind down our operations, our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition for all our customers. We will be working closely with you to address any questions or concerns and to provide support during this period. It is our goal to make this process as seamless as possible, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.

Looking back on our journey, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible community we have built. CloseFactor was more than just a product; it was a collective effort driven by passionate individuals who believed in the power of innovation and collaboration to change outdated go-to-market processes. The relationships we have forged and the impact we have made will forever be a part of our legacy.

Thank you once again for being a part of the CloseFactor family. Your trust and support have meant the world to us, and we are deeply appreciative of the opportunity to have served you. While this chapter is coming to a close, I am confident that the lessons we have learned and the experiences we have shared will pave the way for future endeavors.

With heartfelt thanks and best wishes,

Leena Joshi, Ben Cheung, Erik Buchanan

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