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How to Build a Brand People Trust

Apr 18, 2024
Photo of Reeya DeshpandeReeya Deshpande

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Have you ever wanted to try out a new restaurant, only to settle on the Thai place you eat at every week?

Odds are, you have. 

Maybe not Thai, but you’ve definitely chosen the safe option at least once or twice. That’s because you trust that your restaurant won’t let you down. Trust is everything – especially for startups that ask for a lot more than a $20 bill for their product or service.

​​Much like choosing a familiar restaurant, people prefer to invest in products that they trust won't let them down. Trust becomes the cornerstone for startups seeking substantial investments beyond a simple transaction.

So, how can you create a B2B brand that inspires enough productivity and efficiency for companies to invest in your product?

Here are 3 things to perfect in order to create a trustworthy brand

Build Distinctive Brand Value 

When a company becomes synonymous not only with its name but also with the specific consumer needs it fulfills, it creates a clear and memorable identity. 

For instance, Apple isn’t just a tech company; it became known for the iPhone’s simple icons, intuitive system navigation, and imagery. In essence, Apple provided simplicity whereas Android systems were overly text-based. 

If a brand fails to articulate how it addresses a specific need, especially on its website, social media, and presentation materials, it risks losing clarity in the minds of consumers.

However, not every company can be like Apple. If you’re a B2B company, it may be that the usefulness of your product is counterintuitively determined by its array of features rather than simple useability. 

A more niche company should use Case Studies, thought leadership, and targeted content to express the customer-centric needs first and how their product satisfies these needs second. This tailored approach allows customers to connect the pieces of your business case themselves without it being explicitly conveyed, which may be disregarded as advertising.

Because we all hate advertising. ;)

This approach is imperative to creating a brand that sticks, developing a company's ethos not directly within social posts but in the minds of your prospects.

Find The Balance Between Company And People

People buy from people, not logos they’ve never seen before.

Beyond just logos, incorporating names and images of team members into various forms of correspondence fosters a sense of human connection, which is crucial for building trust. In addition to automated website chatbots, personalized email signatures featuring names, titles, and perhaps a photo of the team member can humanize digital communication. When sending out newsletters or updates, including short bios or employee spotlights adds a personal touch, reinforcing the idea that real individuals are behind the brand. Utilizing social media platforms like LinkedIn to share team achievements, work culture, or behind-the-scenes glimpses further humanizes the brand, making it relatable and trustworthy.

People see companies as extensions of themselves. 

This approach taps into the psychological aspect of human connection. Studies indeed indicate that people respond positively to individuals rather than faceless entities. Triggering positive social hormones through personalization, such as the release of dopamine when recognizing a familiar face, strengthens the emotional bond between prospects and your brand. 

Connecting this to a strong business development representative (BDR) presence in your company will be the last stroke with the hammer. Investing in a strong and personable outreach team will be the most accurate first representation of your company, especially for startups.

Integrate Your Customers Into Your Brand

Doing business creates an inherently symbiotic relationship between the buyer and seller. In adding your client’s logo to your homepage, social media headers, and investor slide decks, you are benefiting their companies the same way they benefit yours. 

How does this benefit you? Well, beyond the obvious trustworthiness provided by prospective companies recognizing your client brands, social media promotion of partners naturally stimulates word-of-mouth marketing. When clients see their logos proudly displayed, they are more likely to share their positive experiences with others, indirectly promoting your brand. 

On top of that, additional reposts and interactions with this content connect your brand to your clients’ digital networks, broadening the scope of your brand recognition and SEO. From here, celebrating your clients’ IPO might also catch the attention of their investors and place your brand directly on their radar.

Beyond your clients’ networks, showcasing other brands in prospective industries will also push social media algorithms to view your brand as integrated with your client’s community. For example, a cloud-based startup working with merchandising retailers could see their content being pushed more toward secondary competitors like Depop and Mercari.

In celebrating the companies you do business with under the company name, you also indirectly inspire employees of your client companies to renew deals since studies show that employees often identify with the brands they work for.

In today’s competitive landscape of sales outreach and marketing, trust isn’t just a commodity; it’s the currency that builds the foundation of a business. To build a brand people trust, you must become more than just a product or service provider; you must become a consultant of sorts, a reliable ally in the journey towards success.

So, whether you’re crafting a distinctive brand value, fostering human connections within your company, or integrating your customers into your brand narrative, remember this: trust is not given; it’s earned through consistency, transparency, and genuine human connection.

In the world of sales, trust is the ultimate competitive advantage. So, go ahead, build that brand people trust, and watch as your company's newfound presence ripples through your sales pipeline.

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