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Introducing SmartSend by CloseFactor: Revolutionary Generative AI Sales Outreach

Mar 12, 2024
Photo of Leena JoshiLeena Joshi

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Check off all that apply: 

[  ] You send generic emails to a large group of prospects

[  ] You spend a lot of time crafting ‘personalized’ emails that convert

[  ] You have low email open or click rates

If you checked off one or more boxes, chances are you’re an Account Executive (AE) or Business Development Representative (BDR) that feels a twinge of pain every time you have to write a personalized email to a prospect. 

No one prepared you for this part of the job in training — and it’s proving more and more challenging to land that first meeting. Hours spent researching prospect accounts and crafting personalized emails that barely get read can really hinder productivity and lead to missed opportunities. 

At CloseFactor, we understand the challenges that AEs and BDRs face, which is why we’re excited to announce the launch of SmartSend! A solution designed to streamline the sales outreach process and drive real results. 

What is SmartSend?

CloseFactor SmartSend’s main goal is to empower sellers to effortlessly schedule meetings with target prospects by using specially trained generative AI to automate the creation of personalized and highly effective outreach messages. With the click of a button, SmartSend eliminates the need for extensive research (goodbye to scanning over that one CEO’s LinkedIn who hasn’t been online in two years for something interesting or relevant to point out…) and manual composition. 

So salespeople can focus on what they do best: selling. 

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CloseFactor's SmartSend is absolutely fantastic. We got our entire SDR/BDR team using it right away and they have already seen positive results. The whole team is loving how much it accelerates their prospecting into target accounts.
Photo of Kristin Lyles
Kristin Lyles
Vice President of Marketing

How is SmartSend different?

Unlike other tools that only offer surface-level company information and generic email templates, SmartSend goes deeper. SmartSend brings in relevant business initiatives at prospect accounts that are your top priority AND builds in your own messaging along with case studies and more! You can also edit and tune these emails and CloseFactor learns along the way and improves to match your style.

CloseFactor automates the entire process from account and prospect discovery to crafting tailored emails that resonate with your target audience’s initiatives and interests. Say adios to wasted hours and hello to increased efficiency and productivity! 

The Power of CloseFactor SmartSend

1. Improve Efficiency: No more time wasted on navigating a handful of websites or social accounts so you can find information to include in your emails. In 2024, we’re leaving tedious research for email composition in the past. SmartSend handles it all for you. We’re not lying when we say we want you to focus on what you do best. 

2. Increase Productivity: Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time engaging with prospects. SmartSend frees you up to do what you love (closing deals or booking meetings) so you can have more time to do a little more of what you love (beach volleyball? Ceramics?? You tell us!)

3. More Meetings with Ideal Prospects: Generic emails haven’t worked for a long time. But now we’re really trying to leave them in the past. With SmartSend, you’ll send truly personalized emails — that’ll grab attention — and can’t be ignored. Great emails = more meetings.

Watch the video to see how SmartSend works.

SmartSend isn’t just a tool — it’s a catalyst of success for your sellers. 

Want to learn more and catch a glimpse into what CloseFactor SmartSend will look like?

Request a demo to see CloseFactor in action now.

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